" A Popular site !" of Megmlk Snow Brand Museum
A popular site ! is the "KATSUGEN Shrine " on the first floor of Megmilk
Snow Brand Museum.
Popular site! "Katsugen shrine"
Our company takes the origin of the good name of "the source of a
victory" of a shrine, from the"KATSUGEN" of the lactic acid bacteria beverage put on the market from 1956 (Showa 31).
Although "KATSUGEN" were put on the market by glass entering
a bottle at beginning,We will remain for 60years and,also just now,are
continuing the long popularityof the breath.
From [ between the prep students or athletes who will be superstitious
if it also becomes the drink this "KATSUGEN", and "everybody
who wins" ] "We win taking an examination,Since it began to call
popularity as winning a match", as a shrine which deifies the "guardian
deity of success prayer" and "certain victry prayer "in
a factory, We call the "Kannushi" from a local shrine, perform
an enshrinement festival solemnly, and will build "the source shrine
of a victory" in 2005.
We hear that the object of worship deified in the shrine is entering a
glass bottle "KATSUGEN" of the time of sale.

The object of worship is bottle"KATSUGEN"
Then, although the shrine was moved to the first floor of the present museum
, it is "a popular spot"hearing not only a visitorbut a rumor,
and citizens and a tourist are also needed.
By the way, it is a thing that the drink named "the KATSUMOTO (and
basis)" developed as the source of nutrient of the soldier sent abroad
in early stages of Shouwa when it was called the contents of "KATSGEN"
currently loved by the prep student and the athlete is a root.
▼ Introduce the inside of "Museum"
MEGMILK SNOW BRAND was inaugurated in the union organization by a dairy
farmer in Sapporo in 1925 (Taisho 14).
Then, We became the present company name through the name of Snow Brand
Milk Products "Yukijirushi nyugyo", etc.
A Museum is located next to MEGMILK SNOW BRAND Sapporo factory , and a
museum is 3 stories.
The inside of an exhibition hall
Exhibition halls are the second floor and the third floor, and the machine
which makes various dairy products is exhibited by the second floor.
Among these, the butter making machine is exhibited so that wooden
[ which was used at the beginning ] may see and show passage of the history
which has changed to the present product made from stainless steel by the

Butter making machine
Moreover, the third floor will remain for 90 years from inauguration of
a company besides the historical records related to the history of the
dairy of Hokkaido, and important literature, a material, etc. which tell
the history which has continued supporting dairy of Japan are exhibited.

Tells the history of dairy development
In the museum,7 staff members are corresponding to the visitors.

We are talking with our wanting you to make telephone reservation by the
previous day like a visitor in the case of visit to "the KATSUGEN
shrine of a victory" at the museum.
▽ location: Naebo-cho6-1,Higashi-ku, Sapporo
▽ visit reservation : 011-704-2329
(Introduction of "MEGMILK SNOW BRAND MUSEUM " is up to here.)
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