Hokkaido"nature & sightseeing" Information
"Nemuro is the kingdom of a wild bird,and at the easternmost tip"
A community including the root circumference of eastern Hokkaido, the
long and slender Nemuro peninsula projected to the Pacific Ocean, and its
peninsula is Nemuro.
Hitting an east end most of Hokkaido is the Nosappu cape which desires
Northern Territories.

"Nemuro Nosappu cape"
Moreover, "Shunkunitai" of "the nature gold mine"
which consists of a reef extended so that "Lake Furen" and the
lake which are called "kingdom of a wild bird" may be met is
near the peninsular root, and much elated geography and vegetation unique
to a flower or a reef including various wild birds being seen show us nature
■ Charm
▼Charm Part 1... The kingdom of a wild bird, "lake Furen & Shunkunitai"
As for Lake Furen and whole shunkunitai, it was specified as the community
of the "Notsuke Furen prefectural park" in 1962, and also We
registered with the important paludal in 2005 based on the Ramsar Convention,
and the asylum of precious nature and a wild bird is achieved.

The setting sun which falls to "Lake Furen"
Lake Furen is known as a flying place of the Whooper swan in Japan.
We hear that furthermore, We can observe more than 330 sorts which hit
the moiety of the wild bird which we see in Japan if it unites with Shunkunitai.

Whooper swan of Lake Furen (October)
It is the motion of the year of the birds in Lake Furen and Shunkunitai.
When the Adonis was carried out and a late spring came on the middle
of April, an "Oyster catcher" comes to a flat and I tell spring.

The "oyster catcher" which tells spring
Moreover, We begin Whooper swan in spring and autumn every year, and
they are visitants, such as Waterfowl, and Sandpiper.
From June to July, a Japanese crane is mainly seen.

Dancing of a "Japanese crane"
We say that a Japanese crane and Whooper swan are seen simultaneously nearby
-- We carried out uncommon and there was also a Sheen.

Left side "Japanese crane" right side "Whooper swan"
We can perform observance of an about one-year Migratory bird -- large-sized
birds, such as a Steller's sea eagle and a white-tailed sea eagle, show
a figure -- and am known as "a kingdom of a wild bird" at the
severe winter term from the end of October to around February.

"White-tailed sea eagle"
Greatest Event [ about a wild bird ] - "Bird Land festival"
will be held late in January every year. Many wild bird lovers come from
the whole country, and We enjoy observance of a number of Steller's sea
eagles which exceed 300 birds in the intense cold, a white-tailed sea eagle,

The "Steller's sea eagle" which crowds round

Observance of a wild bird (Bird Land festival)
▼Charm Part 2..."If it goes board walk of Shunkunitai,End of the earth!"
"Shunkunitai" of the reef belt with an 8-km width [ in length
] of 1.3 km extended so that Lake Furen and the Nemuro bay may be divided
is an nature gold mine.
The board walk is installed so that especially the division of a marsh
can be observed.

Board walk for nature observance

The uncanny universe! Reef of Shunkunitai
Here, including the large community of the greatest "rugosa rose" in domestic, precious plants, such as Ezokanzou and Sendaihagi, are also abundant, We start in florescence of a skunk cabbage in spring, and florescence of a flower -- a "Glasswort" colors redly -- is seen at the autumnal-leaves era of autumn.

"Rugosa rose" which blooms in a large community

"Black saltwort"
We can observe the ecology of a also scientifically precious plant --
the virgin forest of Japanese spruce which grows up on a also globally
new sand hill is also seen -- and it is just "an nature gold mine."
Shunkunitai of the uncanny quietude which withered trees make recollect
the end of the earth.

The end of the earth? Withered trees stand in a row!
in order [ such / being precious ] to protect a wild bird as We are
nature -- Shunkunitai of Nemuro -- primeval -- while a ranger is stationed
in the "wild bird park Nature center" and observance and Probing
of a wild bird or a flora and fauna are conducted, generally we are disseminating
nature Information also to people.
The burgess nature guide which shows the nature of Nemuro " Nemuro
Tokorojisuto meeting" is formed. In the instance of a guide, the Nemuro
Tourist Association is a window.
▼Charm Part 3..."A sea bird catch ! by a Nature cruz"
The falling-stone block country facing the Pacific Ocean in Nemuro.
The "Yururi-island" and a "Moyururi-island " of the
offing are prosperous also in the Nature cruz which We observe focusing
on a sea bird etc. We can observe the figure in which a "Tufted puffin",
"Rhinoceros auklet", etc. fly about, and are impressing the lover
of a wild bird.

Nature cruz

"Tufted puffin"
▼Charm Part 4..."The easternmost tip, therefore ... of Japan"!
The attraction of Nemuro is only neither nature nor a wild bird.
- "be [ it / with a background at the easternmost tip / a little earlier / sunrise on New Year's Day ]" Greet!
Nemuro located in the end of the east in Hokkaido is selling all over
the country as "a town nearest to the morning sun."
A little earlier sunrise on New Year's Day is seen in Japan on the morning of the New Year's Day every year, and also many people are visiting this ground for "sunrise on New Year's Day" from the method of welcoming, and the whole country at the Nosappu cape in Nemuro which hits at the easternmost tip.
In this Japanese local one, a rendering of a Japanese-Tiko(drum), a
unrequited service of coffee, a sale of crab juice, etc. are made to folks
who wait for sunrise on New Year's Day in a severe cold, and we enliven
the atmosphere.

"Sunrise on New Year's Day" which We greet in the easternmost
tip and Nosappu
- We bloom the latest cherry tree in Japan」
A cherry blossom front goes a start and the Japanese Islands north late
in February, and Nemuro becomes the last. The standard tree of Nemuro is
"Chishima-zakura" born in Kunashiri.
We bloom in the late time from the middle of the month in May towards
the end of the month, and enjoy the latest cherry tree in Japan.

"Chishia-zakura" of a sample tree
▼Charm Part 5...Nemuro is typical -- Event of "food"
- A Fest (indigenous product "hanasaki crab") ... an every year
-- the September first ground and, and day holding

"It is a Fest to Hanasaki-gani."
- Pacific saury Fest (seasonal seisin) ... They are the September third
ground and, and day holding every year.

"Pacific saury Fest"
■ Picture provided
* Nemuro Tourist Association ... 0153-24-3104
* A Tourist Association's HP is "here."
* Shunkunitai wild bird park Nature center ... 0153-25-3047
* HP of a Nature center is "here."
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